3 -Concepts of the Framework
3.2.3  Agent's evolution & ZoneSelector

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  • The agents
  • The World activation 
    • activation zone 
    • strategies of evolution

At each period, the area which evolves (the activation zone) is activated by the ZoneSelector ; for example :

WorldZone  RandomIndividualZone RandomZone BoundedRandomZone
activationZone.jpg (19966 octets)

Agent evolution is defined by the method compute(). It is the model programmer responsibility to write the compute() method.  This method is used to modify internal agent state (local values, or references to other objects of the model). To be precise the evolution follows two (2) steps.
  1. compute() to calculate the next agent state
  2. commit() to validate the computed next state as the actual new state.
The compute() method of agents is invoked by the World that contains these agents. Each simulation step (time increment) consists of:
  1. selecting of the set of agent to activate (ZoneSelector)
  2. applying the selected scheduling strategy.
