3. - Moduleco, an object oriented modular Framework,

 3.1. What is a framework ?
(c) advantages and constraints of this approach

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Very few code lines are necessary to develop new models and services …

Implies specialisation and modularity Difficulties :


To use the names and methods as expected by the framework.

As a consequence, further developments depend on :

As seen earlier, a framework represents the common and shared part of many applications. It delimits all the possible applications that can be made by extension. But thanks to the inheritance feature of OO and the redefinition of methods, it is (almost) always possible to specialise and add very new behaviours. If these new behaviours are considered as general enough, it is possible to change the framework, while integrating the new classes, methods. A framework is the stable part of common applications, but is never frozen.
The powerful advantages of frameworks are compensated by some constraints. In order to use them efficiently you would not simply have to know their functions (as for classical libraries) you also need to know their structure (inheritance hierarchy) and most of their "entry points", i.e. the methods the frameworks allows (or expect) to be redefined.
A good framework is somewhere between a "black box" component, where you just have to know its interface (functions), and  a "white box" component, where you need to know everything inside the component to be able to use it. A framework is in some way a kind of "grey box"...
In the following,  we will present the main classes and entry points of Moduleco.

Denis.Phan@enst-bretagne.fr, Antoine Beugnard@enst-bretagne.fr