3 -Concepts of the Framework
3.2. The Structure

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The framework contains two main packages. The first one is related to the basic model of Moduleco, the second one to the user interface. In the following the model will be described brieflly. The user interface has been designed so that specific extensions will be automatically integrated in the user interfaces of Moduleco. To achieve that, we have exploited introspection abilities of Java, i.e. the possibility for each class to give a description of itself that can be used by others, in that case, interfaces.

The model of Moduleco relies on CAgent class which is the root of the agents hierarchy. The direct subclasses are EAgent which represents all individual agents and EWorld that represents all composition of agents, but that can be considered as a single "composed" agent.

Current EWorlds are ENeighbourWorld which is composed of CAgents interconnected via a Neighbourhood and EMobileWorld which is composed of EPlaces, that may receive EMobileAgents that move from EPlace to EPlace.

In order to populate Worlds the method populate() is defined. It already has some current implementations that can be reused but that one can redefine if necessary in new specialized World class. Note that some agents are visible, i.e. shown in a grid in the user interface, while others are hidden. In fact, every agent can be individually viewed (and edited). , Antoine